
Sandi Boyd

Impact Coach

What are three words of intention that you want to share for 2022?

-Retirement, Grandma, Freedom

If someone was on the fence about coaching, what would you tell them?

-You can do this by yourself, however you will get there faster, more skillfully and confidently with a coach. What will your life be like in a year if you don’t take action now?

Share some interesting personal facts:

-I have been an RN for 40 years, was a Results coach for Tony Robbins, will become a first time grandma in July-baby girl Charlotte Lee, have successfully completed 2 1500 degree barefoot fire walks and a high wire Commitment walk.
(Excuse us while we say wow!)

What is a quote or piece of advice or saying that has made an impact on you?

-Where your focus goes the energy flows, Your past does not equal your future, Once you are aware of your limiting belief, you can choose to believe it, reject it or modify it.

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