Client Testimonials

Overall Review


This was my second time working with Katie and it was even more fulfilling than the first time. The assessments and exercises she gave me helped me uncover a lot about myself professionally and personally. And I was amazed by how she would weave the findings of my assessments into our sessions together. It helped to illuminate what I wanted out of my career and how I could progress. The biggest gain I’ve walked away with from coaching with Katie is a strengthened sense of self and confidence in what I have to offer at work and in personal relationships. Not least of all – both times that I’ve worked with Katie, I’ve received a promotion shortly thereafter. I truly believe this is a direct correlation – her coaching has uncovered areas for growth and motivated me to plow through any B.S. ideas I’ve internalized about myself so that I can achieve more of my true potential. It feels great. I hope everyone gets a chance to work with someone like Katie!

I’m showing up more authentically and powerfully as the man I am – both at work and in my personal life. It feels great not to hold myself back or shrink myself down like I used to before working with Katie. This was my second time working with her and I would readily do it again. Hands-down, I’d refer her to anyone who needs a push and is willing to do the work.

Overall Review


My company (at the time) offered a free burnout coaching session with Katie. I found it so inspiring and helpful that I reached out after the session and asked if Katie was taking new clients.

Working with Katie was a great experience! She gave me tools and techniques that allowed me to set boundaries and stop working crazy hours. Not only am I a good role model for my new team, I am using the tools and techniques to teach them how to do it too. I worked on a 5-7 year career path to map out what the next several years could look like. It’s liberating to know that my work doesn’t define me any more.

We accomplished the goals I set at the beginning and then some. I feel great about the progress made. We put a “get ready to quit date” on the calendar. It was to remind myself that a goal I set was coming up and check-in and see if it was still what I wanted. I’m giddy every time I see it in the calendar. I would absolutely refer her to others and work with her again in the future.

Overall Review


Struggling with where I was in life and my inability to handle myself emotionally; I chose Katie after reading her bio because she seemed to be a relatable person, and after our initial consultation, I knew she was the real deal. I felt completely comfortable talking with her.

I learned so much about myself and what I needed to put in place to succeed with my personal goals.

I have gained self-confidence, self-awareness and empowerment to make changes. I would absolutely refer her to anyone and I continue to work with her!

Overall Review

Landon B.

I had a therapist prior to this that sort of worked as a coach as well. Personal circumstances prevented her from working so I started to search for new options. I chose Katie mainly because I felt like during our first discussion she listened, set reasonable expectations, and I felt like I could communicate well with her.

Katie helped me through a big year in my life. She was instrumental in pulling me out of a “funk” that I desperately needed out of. The most vital thing Katie has done for me is challenge me. I don’t feel challenged by many, often. It’s important to me to have that in my life and having Katie as a sounding board for all of my thoughts has been helpful in re-arranging my thought process on how to approach different challenges. Following our first year together the most important thing I feel like I walked away with was greater self discipline which has in turn allowed me to be happier in my day to day life.

I feel good about progress. Moving forward I want to continue to create more and more of a disciplined lifestyle that will in turn give me freedom. I would refer Katie to any of my friends.

Overall Review


I wanted to get absentee understanding of myself and grow. Katie instantly came off as a no hold back coach who would be real and straightforward while holding me accountable.

It was a great experience. From start to finish. The way we walked through the progression from just talking about my entire life and how certain experiences have created who I am today was eye opening. There were times Katie struck nerves that I didn’t even know were there but allowed me to take a step back and look inward in order to make better decisions. I was able to walk away with the ability to better assess professional situations in a much calmer manner.

The overall progress was great and the changes have been significant. My main goal was reached and I would most certainly recommend Katie to anyone. I anticipate continuing to work with her.

Overall Review

Kristine. D

First of all, Katie’s face on her website was so warm, and inviting. Her picture drew me in, and I was not displeased. Working with Katie brought me the courage to attend my first writing class, and now I am in the process of writing a book. She is funny, strengths-based in orientation, and honest.

I was dealing with courage issues, about taking my business to the next level, and Katie was the spark that was needed to get me writing. If I had not participated in coaching with Katie, I am not sure I would have begun. During one of our sessions, I was able to come up with the title of my book. Two minds can create movement, whereas, sitting with my concepts in my head alone was proving futile. I am very thankful I sought Katie out!

I highly recommend anyone considering working with her. She is a game -changer! I cannot wait to work with her again!

Overall Review


Working with Katie has given me the ability to change my perspective- on my situations, myself, my life. And with this shift comes a confidence and a peace I hadn’t known previously. I am now able to be present in the moment, which has enabled me to be more joyful, patient and empathetic. I have formed deeper connections with myself and those around me because I show up in more meaningful ways. Working with Katie has been a journey of healing, growth and a much needed wake up call from a high speed life on autopilot.

Overall Review


It’s been several months since I went on my Impact Retreat. I didn’t know what to expect, what I’d experience, what my actual take-away would be. I only knew that for whatever reason, I felt Katie had something to offer me at a time in my life when I needed guidance. In hindsight the retreat was, for lack of a better word, profoundly impactful. It’s one of those things that kind of sneaks up on you, where during our one-on-one sessions I felt little lightbulbs go off — she calls them “aha moments”. But I gained small bits of awareness. After the retreat, I told Katie that she opened doors in my mind I didn’t even know were there. She helped facilitate a self-awareness that I am so grateful for. Now months after my retreat, I have a broader perspective on Katie’s “impact”. I look at life pre-retreat and post-retreat. Pre-retreat I was aimlessly searching for answers, purpose, clarity. Post-retreat I’ve been given a renewed sense of self with new perspective on life. It’s hard to describe, quite honestly, because it’s been such an internal journey that has paved way for amazing results. Post-retreat I’ve connected with myself in a way I never have, which has allowed me to better connect with the people I care about. To be totally cliche and corny, the best part of working with Katie is the relationship we’ve developed. She truly cares and I know she tells me what I need to hear, not necessarily what I want to hear. She is honest, straight-forward, and genuine. Working with Katie Sandler and participating on an Impact Retreat has continued to provide ongoing impacts in my life.

Overall Review


Katie Sandler is a gem! She has walked me through so many issues. Her master-skill is being able to see through the emotional bullsh*t and clarify what is REALLY your issues that needs to be addressed. She has a way of helping you find your own path, and incorporates the skills she possesses to make the journey easier.

Overall Review


I worked with Katie Sandler for a one on one three day session where she and I spent the day together from work to dinner to relaxation time before bed. In this time, we delved into topics that I have struggled with throughout my life. Some of these, I have visited psychologists, therapists and even hypnotists to try to work through and understand in order to better deal with. In each of these cases, I attended several sessions but never really felt I made a connection no matter how much I opened up. With Katie, I was able to make major progress and self discovery. She helped me to truly understand some of the things I have done the majority of my life that have caused difficulty in several ways. Katie has also remained an asset in not only implementing new behaviors, but also in maintaining my new practices which have changed my life. I would highly recommend working with Katie, and I could not be happier with what I learned about myself and ways to improve my quality of life.

Overall Review


In the beginning, Katie helped me articulate the version of myself that is calling to me. Now she reminds me and keeps me in service of it. She guides me through uncovering my beliefs and patterns that are blocking me and then she helps me to relinquish and shed them. Katie helps me to name the pieces of my puzzle that are joy and together, we are creating the life, and the love, of my dreams.

Overall Review


I have to admit I am one of those people who rarely does things for myself and wasn’t sure what I would gain from something like this. That being said I can share that I was blown away with the outcome and what the process did to help me get unstuck in areas I didn’t even realize were holding me back. Throughout my retreat Katie was there to guide me so that I was able to address, talk though and finally come to terms with. Being someone who often has a hard time opening up, talking about myself and sharing I have to admit I was able to do so with ease while with Katie.

I left the retreat feeling really good, refreshed and was surprised how much things continued to become unstuck and clear through our follow up conversations. Really looking forward to our continued work together

Overall Review


Katie changed my life. It is not often you can say that. I reached out to her for career research. Little did I know, I was actually reaching out for much more. I’ve worked with her for over a year and I am a new, lighter, happier person. Her impact changed my views on finances, love, relationships, health, and more. I am forever indebted to her!

Overall Review


The week before I started Katie’s program, I was hesitant to say the least. I thought, “do I really NEED something like this?” and “I’m a successful, happy, busy woman who doesn’t have time to take a few days on a self-help program.” Truth is, Katie’s program was the mental reset I needed to become a healthier me. Before the program started, Katie sent me a questionnaire to narrow down areas of my life I wanted to focus on. With the few days we spent together, she covered each of those areas to inspire me to become a healthier, happier person and do it in a way I wanted. In a way that fit my lifestyle. Hence the bold and italicized….it is SO rare that women get to say “I”, “me”, and “my”. Katie was so focused on me, and she needed me to be open and focused on myself. And that felt good. When I take my first breath in the morning, I am aware of it. I am more mindful with ALL of my life experiences because of the meditation practices Katie taught me. The areas I wanted to focus on included meditation, eating habits, personal relationships, fashion, home décor, and hobbies. Katie spent time in each of those areas and ensured I was happy with my experience before we moved on to the next. I can tell you that the first few days we worked together, I was mentally exhausted. But I was so exhausted because no one had spent that much time on me in as long as I can remember. Not even ME. One of the things I had been struggling with was whether I wanted children. Katie’s guided visualization helped me overcome my self-conflict and gain clarity on extending our family. The next few days were spent with a Chef, massages, closet cleanouts, and figuring out how to make time for the things that make me happy and healthy. Using both Katie’s and the personal chef’s cooking and eating advice, I lost 5lbs and have a lot more energy to live a more wholesome life. It was truly the best experience and refresher I needed. Overall, I cannot give enough credit to Katie and her program for increasing the value and happiness in my life. I would recommend her program to the most successful people as well as those that could use a little direction and guidance in their lives. I am so glad I didn’t let my doubts talk me out of doing this program as I cannot express the gratefulness I have for going through it. I definitely feel this is a refresher I see myself doing annually or bi-annually when life gets a little crazy and I need to refocus my energy on myself, so everything else in my life can be more positive and healthy. Katie- thank you so much for the wholesomeness you have brought back into my life.

Overall Review


Feeling like I was never where I was supposed to be and totally lost on where to even begin looking for my purpose in life – I knew I was either going to fail or I needed to reach out for a lifeline. Katie’s foundation of making an impact had always resonated with me, after meeting her years ago. I was intrigued and wanted to learn more about what she was trying to share with her clients. I was nervous about giving myself this chance, but I wanted to see results and I wanted to want to change my life. I needed clarity and I needed to focus on moving forward instead of continually criticizing myself for past mistakes. I needed to accept and move on. So I did it, it was emotional some days, but I did it. I started to feel more aware of who I was and what I was doing and why I was doing it. I then began feeling proud of myself for handling situations with more maturity because of the tools I had been gaining. I kept mental notes of what I would want to share with Katie, and was taking accountability for my decisions because I had someone who was supporting me. In the midst of starting with Katie, I was between jobs, freelancing working and still spinning in circles as to the direction that I thought would be best. I said I never wanted to work for myself, I never wanted to own my own business. I enjoyed working for people and I liked that I could be the person who supported them. There are a lot of funny contributing factors about how we grow and develop – throughout the work I had done for myself I learned a lot. I learned that I could work for myself and I had the confidence now to do so, I learned that I enjoy working with people and I can support them as clients just as well as I could support my boss or managers in the past. I learned that when I was given the opportunity to start my own business, within 6 months of working with Katie, I had gained the tools and confidence to see it through. I feel like I have found my purpose, that my clients are happy and I am doing something that I love everyday for myself with really great people and continuous support. I never would have thought this is where I would have ended up but, its truly been an exciting experience that wasn’t achieved

Corporate Impact


When I met Katie on Instagram, I was attracted to her no bullshit, intuitive and to the point messaging and approach to coaching. After only one session together, where I felt overwhelmed, a total lack of clarity, and my confidence was suffering as a result, I left that session with new insight to my situation and my gifts that I had never before had. She has a unique way of intuitively knowing exactly what push her clients need and where she needs to go. I felt held and supported, but not coddled. Katie doesn’t beat around the bush and if you are ready to make really significant change in your day to day in a short period of time, and feel held and supported in the process, then she is for you! I would definitely work with Katie again and am eagerly awaiting an opportunity to go on one of her retreats and gather with her in person. She has a grounding and integrated presence that demands you rise to your most impactful self.

Corporate Impact

S.M. Marketing Manager

“Katie’s workshop was very eye opening and informative. Learning how others handle the stress and anxiety of everyday life was very interesting and helpful. She was great including all of the participants with questions and exercises and made it very comfortable. She discussed how important it is to be aware of every little thing you do and how even the simplest behaviors make a difference. I enjoyed her workshop very much and would highly recommend it to others.”

Corporate Impact

A.Q. | HR Manager

I really enjoyed the Virtual Wellness Workshop hosted by Katie Sandler. I wish the workshop could have been longer, I feel like she has so much more information that she could have shared with us. The information that we did cover was incredibly helpful. I have been trying to integrate the tips she shared with the group into my day to day to help when I am feeling anxious.

The Impact Retreat


I turned off the phone and checked in…for 3 days. This is something I never thought I could handle. The Impact Retreat and Katie Sandler’s authentic, no BS approach to guiding me through self discovery helped open doors and windows I never knew existed. The retreat was the best gift I could give myself, I got my sh*t together and changed my perspective on the life I am living! The biggest benefit: Katie is now apart of my life and the work we continue to do is making an impact on my life and those around me.

Overall Review


The above pretty much says it all. When I initially reached out, I had no idea what I was looking for but I knew I needed to make a change. I was in a bad place mentally and professionally, nothing seemed to be going my way and my outlook on the future was blurred. Katie and the Impact Retreat came highly recommended. There was no website, online reviews or collateral material to back up the recommendations. But, the idea of 3 days in a luxury hotel with a spa, learning the true meaning of being mindful and disconnecting from my every day to focus on me was very inviting. After my first call with Katie I was sold.

We had a loose schedule and not too much detail on the flow of the day. I was fine with this because I didn’t know what to expect. After Day 1, I totally got why the schedule was so loose, the work we did steered the schedule. The negatives of the experience were beyond Katie’s control…mainly hotel issues like room not being ready. I did book the retreat at the 11th hour so options were more limited and she did not have the proper amount of time to plan for the weekend and book at the places she has relationships with. With this in mind, I would say the retreat was close to perfect!

Overall Review


I’ve worked with Katie in many capacities and have experienced firsthand the magic of her method. I’m always amazed by her ability to find and lucidly present an alternative perspective – be it when we’re discussing our lives, what’s going on in the world, or in business. Her no BS attitude comes with a sharp sense of humor and a seriously deep well of knowledge and training. It feels like a breath of fresh air in the wellness and self-development world. She always inspires me to chase my most expansive vision. Working with her is a must!

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