Leila Yenina

Share some interesting personal facts!
Let’s see…5 fun facts: I can slam 9 tacos any day. My adventurous-gypsy soul enjoys vacationing in a camper van, sleeping under the stars, and vagabonding on a beach. I lived in Europe until I was 15, have traveled to 28 countries and would love to see 28 more. It is physically impossible for me to keep house plants alive. I color code and make spreadsheets for fun. 🙂
What are three words of intention that you want to share?
Balance, prosperity, confidence
If someone was on the fence about coaching, what would you tell them?
Fear is typically the culprit of hesitation and responsible for the majority of negative patterns that prevent and stunt personal growth. If you are considering coaching, my advice would be to validate your curiosity and LISTEN to the whisper and knocking of your spirit…it is guiding you and ASKING you to seek assistance to venture into a sacred space of expansion.
What excites you most about coaching and the Impact Method?
Witnessing my clients come into their personal power and flow!
What is a quote or piece of advice or saying that has made a large impact on you?
Favorite 5:
“Cultivate your strengths, manage your weaknesses.” – Me
“Our ambitions should be to rule ourselves, the true kingdom for each one of us; and true progress is to know more, and be more, and to do more.” – Oscar Wilde
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts; therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions of unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.” – Marcus Aurelius
“For what it’s worth, it’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over again.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future, it’s something you design in the present.” – Jim Rohn
How do you like to support others as a coach?
Help to empower them to cultivate their BEST self.
What methods do you feel you use the most?
Positive psychology, mindfulness, acceptance, vision quest
Why did you become a coach and/or why do you like supporting people in a coaching capacity?
I have always been a helper and a learner and have invested all of my academic and professional pursuits into doing just that. However, my experience as a therapist led to feel somewhat frustrated with focusing on the past and not allowing clients to focus on the present, current obstacles and move forward with future goals and personal growth. As a coach, I am able to be in my own superpower and guide others into their full strength, their most powerful space, and assist them in moving through (or around!) their obstacle course of life with a bit more vision, joy, confidence, grace, and adventure.
Is there anything else you want potential clients to know about you?
I have six kids ranging from 23 to 6 years old and worked as a behavior specialist in special education for eight years. I love the dynamic uniqueness of humans and am humbled to be able to work with individuals, families, and couples to improve the quality of their lives.
I am kind, soulful, gentle-spirited, feisty, tenacious, and constantly striving to empower (myself and others).